Thursday 6 September 2012

Coming out... What sort of reaction did you get?

Coming out is one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do.  From a young age I've always known I was different, I used to hang around with boys and was never really interested in girly things.
When I started high school I developed this 'crush' on this girl, I thought it was just a phase and that I would grow out of it. Obviously that wasn't the case! I ended up in a relationship with this girl for about a year. Anyway, as I  reached my 16th I had finally accepted that I were gay and thought I should tell my mum. I was absolutely petrified as to what her reaction would be! I explained to her how I preferred women to men, and I must admit her answer astounded me. She said I know you are gay and that I have always known.  I'm not being stereotypical here but I am quite feminine so I didn't really understand how she could of known. She was and still is very supportive of my sexuality. If only everyone could of had the same reaction as her.

I ended up losing a lot of friends once I came out, but as I have got older I've realised these so called friends were just shallow, small minded people. If they don't like you because who you go to bed with then they aren't worth being friends with. The majority of my family were all very accepting but a minor few, including my father and sister didn't take the news very well. As the years have gone by they have had to accept that this is who I am but it doesn't mean they will ever agree with it.

I know it's not easy coming out but you need to follow your heart and don't hide who you are for the sake of others.

What sort of reaction did you get once you 'came out'?

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